16 December 2010

Beautiful surprise

Yesterday I found a wonderful envelope in my mailbox, it was a christmas card and a small present from Monique.
She was a customer at Petit Brocante, I sent her a little extra gift, and she wanted to surprise me too. She really did. Look at this small poetry book with extra pictures to decorate the pages with, it reminds me of my childhood, when every girl had a poetry books, and friends, teachers and family were writing there greetings in it often followed by drawings and rhymes like:

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
strawberries´ sweet
and you are too.. (loosely translated from danish)

I still have my old book (Annie wrote in it too in the early 70ties  ;-)
Monique has a webpage, she has no blog yet, but look out, she will soon open one.


  1. This little poetry book is adorable ... I still have mine, too and it is always really nice to go throught the pages again with all the memories attached to them.

  2. What a lovely gift to receive.

  3. What a thoughtful gift! Too cute! It brings back memories.

  4. It is a beautiful gift. I love all the miniature dye cuts to put in the book.

  5. That's charming. What a sweet present!

  6. oh! what a surprise! the world is really small and the poems go around!
    I also, I had in my diary, these verses ... nice too read them here, now!
    congratulations for the gift, it is very nice!
    wishes for a Happy Christmas!

  7. How wonderful! These are the surprises that I love :-)

    If you have a scanner, one day show us the page of your diary where Annie has left his thoughts must be too cute ;-)
    Mini hugs, Flora

  8. Thanks for your nice comments. I feel very lucky. Flora: I will scan the pages of the poetry book some day...if Annie lets me ;-)
    Love, Susanne

  9. What a sweet gift, my older sister had one of those but they seemed to be out of style when I was that age, at least where I lived, what a shame.

  10. Es un libro y un regalo muy bonito, y es porque usted se lo merece.
    un abrazo

    It is a book and a very nice gift, and it's because you deserve it.
    a hug

  11. It's very funny to see the little book on your blog now!!! I'm so glad that you like it, it's always a guess to make something for someone you don't know. But I like your style of miniatures a lot so that made it easier ;)

  12. Lovely gift and post that brings back memories. Of course you can show my poem. I don´t remember what I wrote but maybe it was this:

    For dig jeg ønsker et hus
    en mand som bruger snus
    og syv små raske gutter
    som bestandigt råber mutter

    You may also translate the above if you can ;0)

    Hugs Annie - lev vel - sød tøs

  13. Thanks for your comments!
    Monique, thanks again!
    Annie, this will be a bit of a thing to translate, especially if you want the rhymes, but if you don´t, it only goes:

    For you I wish a house,
    a husband who uses snuff,
    and seven small, lively kids,
    who yells MUMMY all the time..

    How nicely, you put it Annie, I am glad that your wishes didn´t come true, at least this time.
    Live well, sweet slut ;-0))

  14. ..Coming to think about it, I know the lyrics of the first in english too:
    Roses are red,
    violets are blue
    but not as sweet as you..
